
International transport group


Międzynarodowa grupa transportowa


Międzynarodowa grupa transportowa


INTERTRANSAUTO is a group of international transport companies, which has been operating for over 20 years in Europe and Asia and has been specializing in the transportation of cargoes inside EU countries, and as well from EU countries to CIS and Asia.

In our offer you will find:

  • Complete loads

  • Transportation of general cargo

  • Project transportation

  • Transportation of dangerous goods

  • Transportation of oversized loads

  • Transportation of valuable cargo

  • Customs

  • Cargo insurance


To międzynarodowa grupa spółek transportowych działających w Europie i w Azji, która od ponad 20 lat specjalizuje się w transporcie łądunków wewnątrz Unii Europejskiej a także z EU do Azji

W naszej ofercie znajdziesz:

  • Kompletny transport

  • Transport ładunków drobnicowych

  • Transport projektu

  • Transport towarów niebezpiecznych

  • Transport ładunków ponadgabarytowych

  • Transport wartościowego ładunku

  • Odprawa celna

  • Ubezpieczenie ładunków



It specializes in road transport within Europe, as well as to Asia and from China

Ładunki o wysokiej wartości

We have many years
experience in
international transport
high-value loads.
We have the right to transport
valuable and expensive loads without

ADR dangerous loads

We carry out each order comprehensively, maintaining the highest standards, based on legal standards and restrictions, and with increased caution

Groupage and LTL transport

Meeting your needs, we offer the organization of road transport, which gives you the opportunity to deliver your cargo “to your door”

Security load

Our managers are IRU experts in loading safety and cargo securing. All our trucks are equipped with all necessary fasteners for a strong and reliable load securing. Most of our trucks is equipped with resistant tarpaulins XL certified damage. Ours drivers undergo annual training according to our standards and are not allowed for transport without passing the exam.

The driver is controlled with four-eye technology.

What makes us stand out

Co nas wyróżnia

Wide transport range

Cargoes within Europe, as well as from Europe to the CIS countries and Asia, and from China

Our fleet

It is fast, reliable and economical

22 routes

Over the years, we have organized 22 regular routes.

Co nas wyróżnia

Co nas wyróżnia

Szeroki zasięg transport

Ładunków w ramach Europy, a także z Europy do krajów WNP i Azji oraz z Chin

Nasz flota

Jest szybka, niezawodna i ekonomiczna

22 trasy

Przez lata zorganizowaliśmy 22 regularne trasy.

We are the Leader

Jesteśmy Liderem

INTERTRANSAUTO performs international cargo transport in the most desirable directions regular car routes. It ensures it delivery speed and constant availability of cars at loading points. Transports are carried out by experienced drivers with extensive experience.

We guarantee the reliability and efficiency of cargo deliveries.

Call us for the best rate for shipping and to check the cost of transporting goods

Benefits of cooperation with us

Co nas wyróżnia

Wide range of transport

We offer road transport of oversized
loads within Europe, but also to and
from the countries of the Customs
Union (Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia).

Protection from Damage

Your cargo is insured for EUR
1 million. In the last 3 years, we
have transported over 36,000 loads
over a distance of over 50 million
kilometers without a single insured event.

We inform you every day our customers

About the movement of their
cargo along the route. You can
easily find out about the location
of your cargo, its status and the
distance traveled during the day
in any convenient way: in the
personal customer area on our website, by e-mail, by SMS notification or by calling your account manager.

Delievery on time

Detailed planning and implementation of individual stages of transport using our own fleet and based on the use of the latest technologies, as well as the experience and professionalism of the company’s employees guarantee timely delivery.

Międzynarodowy transport drogowy

Jesteśmy międzynarodową grupą transportową mającą swoje biura w Polsce, na Łotwie i w Kazachstanie. Działamy z sukcesem od ponad 20 lat. Pomagamy naszym klientom dotrzeć na czas z ładunkiem w ramach Europy, pomiędzy Europą a Azją, a także z Chin do Europy i Azji.

We are for you 24/7

We provide high-quality international cargo transport, improving logistics business processes transport, based on the use of the latest technologies, as well as the experience and professionalism of employees

Our team consists of experienced drivers, forwarders and logisticians, as well as IRU experts.

We provide high quality services at the best prices.

Jesteśmy do twojej dyspozycji 24/7

Realizujemy wysokiej jakości międzynarodowe przewozy ładunków, usprawniając procesy biznesowe logistyki transportu, w oparciu o wykorzystanie najnowszych technologii, a także doświadczenia i profesjonalizmu pracowników firmy.

Nasz zespół to doświadczeni kierowcy, spedytorzy i logistycy, a także eksperci IRU.

Świadczymy wysoką jakość usług w najlepszych cenach.

Dangerous loads

High values

Groupage Transport
and LTL